Friday, November 27, 2009

The Overseas Difference

T minus 27 hours and 7 minutes. Tomorrow night I trade my seaside air in Halifax Nova Scotia for the island air of London. The mission? Visit as many dance centres as possible within a two-week period in England, Germany, Belgium, and Portugal. I'm looking for best practices in dance space design and management, with a focus on training, creation, and presentation. Artist development? Absolutely! Audience/Artist interaction? Definitely! Who's doing what? How are they managing their resources? Where are their resources coming from? And what is the result of it all? These are some of the practical questions that will be driving my brief odyssey.

But why? Pure curiosity? No, much more than that... It would seem some people think that Halifax has got talent AND they deserve some purpose-built resources in which to develop it. I'm one of those people.

I'll do my best to keep you posted on my findings on a regular basis. In the end, the information gathered will go into a big binder that currently wears a tag with the words "The Legacy Centre Project" scratched into it. Our goal is the development of a world-class facility dedicated to dance/theatre creation/presentation. Canada has precious few of these, and Atlantic Canada has even fewer.

My first stop will be The Place in London... from all reports, it is!

It sounds like a perfect departure point.