Saturday, December 5, 2009


(a short entry here - mostly off topic - about seeing Louise Lecavalier dance at Tanzhaus NRW last night... : this woman must have a built-in anti gravity device (or something like it) as she can dance like no other: deft muscular control that is at once fluid and super-charged, light as a feather yet solid as a friggin' mountain - I realised watching her that there are two types of dancers in this world: those named Louise Lecavalier and the others. Sonia Biernath (what a sweet surprise bumping into her in the Düsseldorf audience) later raised a toast to Louise "for redefining women in dance"... very appropriate!)

As far as Tanzhaus goes, wow! But more on that later as I must rush off to catch a ride to Tournai with the nice people from Théâtre de L'L...